Online teaching practice

In teacher training programme (B.Ed) period of teaching practice is considered as very demanding, hectic and exhaustive. Yet the essence of teacher training lies in it.
But as per the covid 19 situation , our first phase teaching practice were done by online and reduced to 10 online teaching classes . For that we; the commerce students of JBMCTE selected the MSM Higher Secondary School for our online teaching. We are of 6 in numbers so the school management provided 17 students from plus one to each of us . Online teaching starts from 25/11/2020 and ends in 7 /12/2020. 

                 The school management gave the portion for the online teaching . They gave chapter 2:- Forms of business organisation from business studies.

    We were both excited and tensed about this online teaching .  It was a new challenge for us to take classes like this. 

   On the first day ,25/11/2020 at 4 pm the classes were started. The classes were on the Google meet platform . I got 17 students from the F1 batch . On the first day 13 students were entered and attended the class. First day topic was the sole proprietorship from the chapter forms of business organisation. 
The first class itself was very good  for me. Slides were also presented for the better teaching and for interacting with students. After the class I conclude the overall topic by asking questions . All students were corporated  in answering .

The second day of online teaching 26/11/2020 ,at 4 pm the classes were started on the Google meet platform. On the second day 10 students were entered and attended the class.  Second day topic was the Joint Hindu Family Business. Slides were also presented for better understanding. 
On the third day 27/11/2020 , at 4 pm itself the classes were started on the Google meet platform.Third day topic was meaning and features of partnership. Slides were also presented.
On the fourth day 28/11/2020, the class were started at 4 pm on the Google meet platform. Fourth day topic was merits and demerits of partnership and type of partners. Slides were also presented.
On the fifth day 30/11/2020, the class were started as usual at 4 pm on the Google meet platform. Fifth day topic was partnership types, partnership deed, and registration of partnership firm. As usual, slides were also presented along with the class.On the sixth day 1/12/2020, the classes were started at 4 pm on the Google meet platform. Sixth day topic was co- operative society.
On the seventh day 2/12/2020, the class were started at 4 pm on the Google meet platform. Slides were also presented along with the class. The topic was meaning and features of joint stock company.
On the eighth day 3/12/2020, the classes were started at 4 pm on the Google meet platform. Topic for the eighth day was merits and demerits of joint stock company.
On the nineth day 4/12/2020, the classes were started at 3.45 pm on Google meet platform. Topic for the nineth day was type of company and choice of form of business organisation. Thus the second chapter of business Studies came to an end . We completed the portions given by the school management. After the chapter finished , i gave the complete notes of that particular chapter and the slides presented by me during the class as pdf.

On the last day 7/12/2020 , two awareness classess were taken by me . For that i choose 'health problems on continuous usage of mobile phones' and 'Resource management' as my topics.

And thus we completed our first phase teaching practice . That was a new experience for us .


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