Live webinar:- Indian Classical Music; A brief history.

For the Art and Aesthetics Education paper in our syllabus we are supposed to know something about Indian Classical music, it's history and awareness of music among students. For that purpose our college JBMCTE arranged a two day webinar for us on September 21 and 22 at 10 am to 11am.

Resource person:-
          Bhuvanendran B
          MPhil in Indian music
          University of Madras
          Violinist and Online tutor
The webinar covers the areas of Indian music, music awareness, folk music, music history, methods, thaalam system, instruments etc.

Some brief notes related to the webinar:-

About music:-
Music is a collection of coordinated sound or sounds. Making music is the process of putting sounds and tones in an order, often combining them to create a unified composition.

The word, 'music' is derived from Greek word (mousike; "art of the Muses"). In Greek mythology, the nine Muses were the goddesses who inspired literature, science, and the arts and who were the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, song-lyrics, and myths in the Greek culture.

Folk music:-
Folk music, type of traditional and generally rural music that originally was passed down through families and other small social groups. Typically, folk music, like folk literature, lives in oral tradition; it is learned through hearing rather than reading.
Folk music is primarily based on diverse themes and full of brisk rhythm. They are also set on beats so they can be dance-oriented. There are different types of folk music associated with a specific state.

Classical Music

Hindustani and Carnatic music systems developed from a common ancestor.

Carnatic Music originated in the Bhakti movement, while Hindustani music originated during the Vedic period. Therefore both have a great link with religion. Both the music developed with Sanskrit language scripts in itself and through Vedic traditions.

The main vocal forms of Hindustani music are Dhrupad, Khayal, Tarana, Thumri, Dadra, and Gazals. The Carnatic music embraces much creativity comprise of Alpana, Niraval, Kalpnaswaram and Ragam Thana Pallavi.

Types of Indian Musical Instruments are:
  • Sitar.
  • Khartal.
  • Manjira.
  • Mridanga.
  • Saraswati Veena.
  • Sarod.
  • Shehnai.
  • Ghatam.
  • Tabla
  • Flute
  • Thambura etc

Importance of music :-

  A few ways that music education foster better students:-

* Better pattern recognition, which helps with a number of other academic areas from grammar to biology.

* Increased awareness of real life science application.

* Understand concept of teamwork as well as individuality.

* Often have a greater appreciation for the arts.

* Tend to be more multicultural in their views.

* Better time management and organisation.

* Less drug usages.


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