Two days state level workshop on "Commerce Education".

We actively participated in a 2 day webinar organised by Tycoon- Commerce Association, Department of Commerce, NSS training college Pandalam and Govt. College of Teacher Education Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram, in collaboration with society of Innovative Researchers and  Academicians. The webinar was based on Outcome Based Lesson plan preparation and Achievement test construction, dated on 5th and 6th of October 2020.
The programme started at 1.30 pm.Resource person:-
Dr. Issac Paul
Assistant professor
Govt. college of Teacher Education
Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram.

The class started by Dr. Issac Paul sir with the help of a PowerPoint presentation on the topic Outcome based education.
What is OBE?
* Outcome Based Education (OBE) is a student centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery. Assessment are planned to achieve stated objectives and outcomes.
* It focuses on measuring students performance i.e outcomes at different level.

Here are some slides which provide more detailed information about outcome based education.

On the second day of our webinar, sir showed an example of an outcome based lesson plan.
Next comes the topic achievement test construction:-

What is an Achievement test?
Achievement test is conducted to find out the progress made by each of the students in the study of the subject teaches. A test designed to assess the achievement in any subject with regard to a set of pre-determined objectives is called an Achievement test.

* It measures how much a student has achieved.
* It gives due weightage to objectives, content, forms of questions and difficulty levels in a general way.
* It gives proportional weightage to each and every topic prescribed by the curriculum in a broad manner.
* It strictly observes the time factor that is, achievement is assessed through the performance of the student with in a span of time allotted. No extra time is allowed.
* The level of performance in an achievement test is generally measured in terms of marks or scores.
* Marks scored are crucial in an achievement test. This is because, it aims at placement of pupils in the group concerned according to ranks.

* To see how effectively the teaching and learning have taken place.
* To motivate students before a new assignment is taken up.
* To provide basis for promotion to the next stage.
* To help in determining the relative position of each student in a particular group.

Achievement test construction:-
The programme was concluded with happy feedback from everyone. All 
Participants expressed their satisfaction about the webinar.

E-certificates were presented to the participants after the programme.


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