Art education and Theatre practice

As a part of art education and Theatre practice, we the students of JBMCTE conducted various programmes at college on 21st January 2020. For that the class was divided into four groups- puppetry group, Roleplay group, skit 1 group and skit 2 group.

Puppetry group:- Puppet dance
Roleplay group:- Comic role play based on shakundalam.
Skit 1:- contemporary issue based skit.
Skit 2:- relavant theme of the abuse of mass media.
Art programmes with in education has its importance not only expanding the mind but keeping learners off the streets and out of the academic stress. Studies show that students with art programmes are three times more likely to graduate than those who don't. So to make the students well equipped ,the teacher plays a significant role. It is the duty of the teacher to find out those 
talents and explore it.

First of all the Teacher should have an idea about it. As we were the future teachers we should have a well understanding about the art. This theatre practice help each one of us in wiping out our stage fear, anxiety and improve self confidence. This also help in organising such type of Programme in school and training the students.

I got a chance to explore my abilities in front of my teachers , i am sure that it will help me in my future classrooms. This is an activity ground for me to face the students and equipped me with the power to organize programmes in schools. 


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