Socially Useful and Productive Work (SUPW) is ancillary, but mandatory part of the school curriculum. "SUPW" may be described as purpose and meaningful manual work, resulting in either good or services which are useful to the community.

         The Eashwarbhai pattail committee (1977-1978) has right stressed that SUPW must be given central place in the curriculum.

SUPW is a subject in Indian school were number of vocational educational activity such as embroidery, cooking, gardening, painting etc are learned. The class introduced in 1978 Ministry of education to promote Gandhian values and educational ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.

              In addition to developing individual skills, SUPW aims to develop among the students , the habit to work as a community thinking, increase awareness of scientific advancements and develop a scientific outlook.

As our SUPW programme we were selected for candle making.


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